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How To Sell A Property With Liens or Tax Problems In Pensacola

How To Sell a property with liens or tax problems in Pensacola

Are you burdened with property liens or tax problems in Pensacola? You don’t have to feel stuck. Learn how to sell a property with liens or tax burdens in our latest post.

As a homeowner in Pensacola, it can feel impossible to sell a property with liens or tax problems. If you don’t have the cash to pay off the debt, you could be stuck with the property for much longer than you would like, driving you even further into debt. In the post, you will learn more about property liens along what you can do to sell a property no matter what you are up against.

What type Of Liens you need to sell a Property with in Pensacola?

There’s a lot of different liens you could be facing. Sometimes homeowners not even aware that there’s some liens on their property. Specially, if the homeowner is out of town and never receive the letters that the county sent. For example, letters to notify the homeowners of a problem your property is facing with code violations.

There’s a lot of types of different liens, In this article. We will discuss first the 2 most major and popular liens that homeowners sometimes either don’t have a clue about them. Or it was overlooked or forgotten over the years. Also I’m going to mention those 2 types of liens because they can be very expensive when time goes by with remedy the issue with those liens.

Then I will discover for you the other liens or tax problems which are just as important, Because not remedy the issues discussed later in this article will cost you losing your property completely.

1- Code enforcement violations Liens with the county

Having liens with the county for code violations, can lead you to 2 options that you must take to get yourself out of this problem. either sell a property with liens in Pensacola or any where in the country for that matter, or fix those violations early on before it get too expensive later on.

The code enforcement violations with the county, can be the most expensive lien you might have to deal with if not treated in a timely manner.

In Escambia county, the county gives homeowners a deadline to fix the code violations on your property. Meaning if you don’t fix those issues in the specific time they give you. You will start paying $25 a day after that date. This is the reason I said it needs to be fix in a timely manner. You can’t let this go on for months much less for years.

Let’s us do the math for only one year of a $25 per day for not fixing the the code violations on your property. $25X365 days= $9,125 total owed in liens to the county. If you sell a property with liens with that amount. That will be taking out of your sale price at closing for the title company to satisfy those liens, and release the property from. This way the house buyer get a property with a title clear from any liens.

If you want to sell a property with liens. Quality Properties Of Northwest Florida LLC buys houses with liens all day long. And release you from any further responsibilities. We’re specialized in solving property liens. This way we can do all the work once we buy the property. And this way you don’t have to deal with the headache.

2- Utilities Liens

Utilities liens it’s less expensive than code violations liens but it’s not cheap either! Usually, homeowners who deal with this type of liens are landlords. Also in the case most often than not, homeowners not aware of those liens on their properties. The reason is because when a landlord have bad tenants and they weren’t paying rent, more often than not, they’re no paying for other things like water bill with ECUA for example in Pensacola area.

The reason why it can get expensive is because if the tenant didn’t pay the water bill, water company will cut the water off on the property when the second month is due for payment and they already have a past due amount that wasn’t paid. So that’s 2 months of water, sewer and garbage for most areas in Pensacola.

The problem with that if the total amount owed not paid to the water company. They will put a lien on your property without you’re aware in some cases. Specially if you don’t receive any mailers from them. or it’s going to your rental and you’re out of state homeowner who doesn’t live nearby.

Utilities company usually stat charging you interest on the money owed. If not paid soon enough. That amount could multiplied in a year or two.

You can sell a property with liens or tax problems to Quality Properties Of Northwest Florida LLC if you don’t want to keep the property anymore that has liens or tax problems. Our company specialized in this field and we work with homeowners to get this paid and get them the the solution clients are looking for. Liens are usually paid at closing for the sale price. Or in some cases to help homeowners we pay it out of our own expense. either way, we work with you to get you the best home cash offer the help you and get the best review ever! 🙂

What Is A Lien?

Per Investopedia, “A property lien is a legal claim on assets which allows the holder to obtain access to the property if debts are not paid. A property lien must be filed and approved by a county records office or state agency. It is then delivered to the property holder with specific terms notifying them that action has been taken to repossess a piece of property.”

In the case of real estate, your lender may place a lien on the house if you are not paying your mortgage in a timely manner. Homeowners can also be hit with a mechanic’s lien or a judgment lien when work is performed on the property without any payment ever received. If the homeowner isn’t able to pay off the lien, the issuing party has the ability to foreclose on the property. By placing a lien on the property, the creditor stops your ability to sell the house until the debt has been repaid in full.

Sell Directly To Quality Properties Of Northwest Florida LLC

With a direct sale of your house to Quality Properties Of Northwest Florida LLC, you will be able to leave the liens and tax problems behind. You won’t have to find the money to pay off liens or to pay off your back taxes. We will handle all of the debts, while quickly and efficiently buying your property for an excellent price. All of the hassles and headaches could be over in only a matter of days, allowing you to sell your house with liens or tax problems fast in Pensacola!

Create A Repayment Plan

While paying off everything you owe all in one shot can feel overwhelming, many creditors will work with you to create a payment plan to help you pay off your debt. Before you feel too defeated, reach out to the creditor to try to work something out. Ultimately, their goal is simply to collect what they are owed.

Making an effort will help your creditors more forgiving and willing to work with you. Once the liens are lifted from the property, you will be able to sell a property, but this can take a considerable amount of time depending on how much debt you are in. When working to pay off the debt, it could mean that you end up holding onto your house for longer than you wanted to. Once your debt is repaid, you will be able to move ahead with the sale of the property, but you may miss out on some great opportunities while you wait.

Dispute The Lien

If a lien has been issued against your property that you disagree with, not all hope is lost. You have the ability to dispute the lien so long as you have a strong rebuttal. You’ll need to have supporting documentation and a valid case against the creditor. To strengthen your case, you’ll want to start fighting the lien as soon as it is placed against your home, if not before. Ultimately, you want to do all you can to make sure a lien isn’t placed on your property in the first place.

Typically, there are a number of requirements a creditor must meet before issuing a lien, so keep in mind, they have already done their homework on what they are rightfully owed.

If you are disputing a lien based on poor performance by your contractor, keep detailed records of what you were promised, what you received, and all of the money you spent to fix the errors. Be sure to include inspection records, dates, and photos with your other evidence.

Consequences of Not Resolving Your Liens and Tax Problems

Ultimately, if certain liens go unresolved you run the risk of losing your home. When liens go unpaid, the creditor has the ability to foreclose, assuming ownership of the property themselves. If you have a lien on your house or if you have problems paying the property taxes, you will want to take action right away. Reach out to your creditors to resolve the situation, or work with the team at Quality Properties Of Northwest Florida LLC to sell your house right away.

At Quality Properties Of Northwest Florida LLC, we can help you finally sell a property with liens or tax problems in Pensacola! Reach out to us today for more information! 850-346-4995

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